Rescue Mission: Rare Jersey Cows Saved to Preserve Pure Bloodlines
On the 14th of November 2023, Tony Howe, one of the BBRT trustees, was alerted to the fact that a herd dispersal at Exeter Mart potentially contained several pure-bred Jersey cows who were close to, or actually 100% pure original population animals. Here's what he did next...

A Breed Lost: The Chairman of the UK Turkey Club Reports That the Nebraskan Turkey Is Now Believed To Be Extinct
The Nebraskan turkey, a fascinating breed with a 76-year history , is now believed to be extinct.

How the Norfolk Horn Sheep was Brought Back from the Brink
The Old Norfolk horn sheep breed touched on extinction in 1973 when the last surviving ram died. See how this iconic native sheep breed was resurrected and saved from total extinction.